In 1993, the whole city of Cracow was involved in the realization of an outstanding cinematography work, “Schindler’s List” directed by Steven Spillberg. The film is based on facts and tells about the events of World War II, the main character of which is Oskar Schindler – a German industrialist who saved over 1,000 Jews

Oskar Schindler comes to occupied Cracow and establishes a factory of enameled dishes (Deutsche Emailwarenfabrik – D.E.F.). The local Jews, forced to work by the German occupiers, constitute free labor. Schindler’s fortune increases, and he himself gains applause and respect in Cracow, especially among German officers. On the other hand, the situation of the Jews is deteriorating. In 1942, the Endlösung, or “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” plan comes into effect. The Cracow ghetto is gradually liquidated, and people are deported to the „Konzentrationslager Plaszow bei Krakau” camp in Plaszow area, where those who are able to work will have to work, and the rest – women, children and the elderly – will face death. Seeing this drama, Schindler decides to save Jews from extermination by buying out people deemed unfit to work as workers for his factory.

The film is undoubtedly an outstanding work of cinematography, it won many awards, including American Oscars, BAFTA awards and Golden Globes.

The trip will cover most of the locations where the movie was filmed – we will move back in time from Kazimierz area, streets in the Old Town, to the area of Plaszow, i.e. the former ghetto, we will visit the area of the reconstructed camp, Krak’s Mound and Oskar Schindler’s factory.

Private historical city tours

YOUR GROUP ONLY TOUR is dedicated to clients who want individual care during the trip. You do not share the vehicle with other customers, and your personal driver/coordinator will take care of your comfort and are at your disposal.

The package includes a private service in historical locations: Cracow Kazimierz area and Plaszow area - places where the film "Schindler's List" was created -...
Available through out the year:
  • Jan
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  • Dec

Small Groups historical city tours

SMALL GROUPS TOUR is dedicated to customers who want to discover Cracow in small groups. It means that you can share transport / and attractions while touring with others, but during transport, we use vehicles with a maximum of 8 passengers (no buses).

The package includes a city tour in historical locations: Cracow Kazimierz area and Plaszow area - places where the film "Schindler's List" was created -...
Available through out the year:
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec